Sunday, November 24, 2013


Video games are a good way to waste some time when you are bored. With all the genres of games we have today, there is a game for everyone out there that will get him addicted on the opening screen. Some of us know how it is to be addicted to a game and we keep playing for hours and days without stopping. I remember when Need For Speed: Most Wanted was released. I stayed at home a week trying to finish it. I was a mess after finishing it. As it is said, everything should be done in moderation. 

Gaming for long periods of times can do some serious damage to the body even if your brain is all hyped up and happy. Physical consequences of gaming addiction include carpal tunnel, migraines, sleep disturbances, backaches, eating irregularities, and poor personal hygiene. These might not seem so bad after playing GTA V, i personally do not mind them. I have also noticed from personal experience that you can also be very disoriented after long hours of gaming and experience a 5 second blackout when you get out of the chair or bed. By blackout, i mean you start seeing black in front of your eyes for a couple of seconds right when you get up. 

Now, how do games affect us on a more personal level? Playing long hours sometimes means that the gamer is a social outcast. The gamer doesn't go out much and has problems communicating with other people. Therefore they find themselves being all alone and they find their comfort in the feeling they get from games. Some can get really depressed after a game finishes since they were very attached to the characters. I remember when i finished Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, i just wasn't myself after that. It is weird in a way how people can get so attached to something that doesn't exist.

Other consequences of gaming are pathological gaming, weekly amount of game play, impulsiveness, social competence, depression, social phobia, anxiety and depression. Some of us will say that this doesn't apply, that is true if you game in moderation. However, we do have people who either have personal problems or are outsiders who found themselves in games and that is where they spend their time day by day taking gaming to an extreme level.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Console Creation

Most of us today have either a Wii, a PS3, or an Xbox. We can play games that are in full HD, with 3D graphics, interact with the game by Kinetic, MotionPlus, or Move, play the games on a dolby surround sound, and have storage availability up to 500 Gb. Some of you may have portable consoles that have all the above in a 8 inch console. Gaming has come a long way since the 60's.

Gaming would not be here if it wasn't for all the competition that has happened between consoles. Every time a new console came out in the past, a competitor would try to make a new one with slight better features. Now, they had technology restrictions and technology back then used to cost to much. Today we have companies working on games based on virtual reality, like Oculus Rift. I am actually very excited for that small project right there.

Todays consoles are owned by Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Those are the major companies that have grown a lot over the years. But what is the history behind them? First of all, let us go back to 1922 when " The father of video games" emerged. His name, known by  many gamers, is Ralph H. Baer who made the first console prototype named simply the Brown Box (mainly since it kind of was a brown box).

We have hundreds of games today, with genres such as rpg, action, shooting, sports, racing, simulators, adventure, puzzles, etc. However, the Brown box could only play 6 games (and you can imagine how crappy the visuals where) which are ping-pong, tennis, handball, volleyball, chase games, and light-gun games. Jeepers, ain't that a lot of fun. On top of that, the games had no sound which made for a great sitting with friends while two played and other 4 where shouting of how much of a crappy player you are.

Hope you guys enjoyed this little "Did you know" session. Again, hope you leave a comment or a like to help me with my College project.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Intro to this blog

Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between,

Today i want to introduce everyone to my new blog. My blog will be about games, gaming consoles, history of games, most popular games, flash games, movies and series made from a game, and all in all anything to do with games.

My name is Filip and I'm a fellow gamer. I may not know much about it but i want to give some general information and some opinions about what i think of the topics i will be talking about.
I hear this often in the place i live that games are mostly for teens or children. People fail to realize the importance of games. Ok sure, some games are very childish and have no scope to them. However most of the games test how you react under pressure, test your reflexes and how fast you react in certain situations, and they really help improve your problem solving skills. Furthermore, i hear people say that games lead to children being more aggressive and promote violence. Hmmmm, then by the same mentality people don't kill people, guns kill people.

That is all I'm going to write for today. Please comment or drop a like since this a College project and it would be really helpful if i got some feedback.